A Year in Review: DrugBank's 2019 Highlights

A Year in Review: DrugBank's 2019 Highlights

Happy New Year from our team here at DrugBank!

2019 was a wild year for us, and we wanted to share some of our top highlights with you:

1. We added 8 new team members to our growing company! We added roles in sales, operations, administration, curation, development, customer success, and creative.

2. We released a number of new features to enhance our product value for our customers. From including simple descriptions of prescriptions, to supplemental ingredients, and a number of improvements to our XML, CSV, and SQL data, DrugBank is better than ever!

3. We began traveling to conferences to meet with companies in the pharmaceutical space. This year our team traveled to London and Boston, and are headed to Santa Clara in early 2020.

4. We committed to offsetting our carbon emissions for our increased business travel, with the help of less.ca.

5. We upgraded our commercial website, including new branding, more helpful tools, and better explanations of our products.

6. We were accepted into the 2019/20 cohort of Creative Destruction Lab - West.

7. We have created a long-term plan to grow our company exponentially this year, and we look forward to sharing many updates with all of you.

So, here's to a great 2020! We can't wait for what's in store.
