In the news Precision Medicine World Conference 2023 A number of our team members recently attended PMWC 2023. We've interviewed our team members, Craig Knox and Alex WIlson, with their biggest takeaways from the event.
Data-Centric AI is Making Waves AI experts are turning their focus to data and we think the potential is huge.
Quality Data Quality Data Part 2: Coverage and Consistency The only limitations our data has is in our strict quality standards.
Drug Discovery Drug Discovery and AI: Commercial Research Worth Talking About Are you behind in drug discovery because you aren't using AI to its fullest potential?
press releases DrugBank Secures $9 Million to Solve the World’s Exponentially-Growing Biomedical Data Problem Discover what the future holds for DrugBank and how we plan to continue building momentum and serving pharmaceutical research as a trusted partner and resource.
Announcements DrugBank partners with Ontotext to accelerate Pharma Research DrugBank is pleased to announce its partnership with OntoText, which will empower commercial and academic Pharma and Healthcare researchers even further in their efforts to discover and repurpose drugs for treating various illnesses.
Feature Announcements New Feature: Biopharmaceutical Classification Recently, we have been working on adding allergenics, vaccines, and other biopharmaceuticals to DrugBank. In order to allow easy filtering of these new datasets, we have created a simple biopharmaceutical classification system which we outline here.